

Imli Diaries

Tamarind Chutney

Linen-dary Threads: From Flax to Fashion

What is linen?

One of the oldest known textiles in the world, linen has a history spanning thousands of years. In fact, flax fibers discovered in caves in modern-day Georgia suggest that the fabric may have been used even 36,000 years ago! And given its many merits, it's no surprise that linen has endured through the ages. 

Foremost among linen’s attributes is its exceptional durability. With fibers naturally endowed with strength, linen garments maintain their shape and integrity through years of use. This durability made linen the fabric of choice for ancient Egyptians when wrapping their mummies, as it provided protection for centuries. Linen's breathability is also a game-changer (especially in the sweltering heat of an Indian summer!). Compared to other fabrics like silk and cotton, linen offers a unique coolness that can't be beaten. Its ability to absorb moisture and maintain a slight stiffness creates a barrier between your skin and the fabric, allowing for optimal airflow. And let's not forget how eco-friendly linen is. The flax plant, from which linen’s fibers are derived, requires minimal water and pesticides during cultivation, making linen a renewable and low-impact choice for conscientious consumers. For context, while the production of a single cotton t-shirt requires 2,700 liters of water, a linen t-shirt only needs 6.4 liters of water across its lifespan. 

Flax plant cultivation, ancient Egypt


From Flax to Fortune:


There’s a catch though. Like many top-notch fabrics, linen often commands a hefty price tag.

First and foremost, linen is expensive because of the intensive labor involved in its production. Derived from the flax plant, linen undergoes an involved journey from field to fabric. Cultivating flax demands careful attention to soil quality and weather conditions, with farmers nurturing the crop over several months before harvesting. The subsequent retting process—where flax stalks are soaked to separate the fibers—requires both precision and patience. Following this, the fibers undergo extensive processing, including spinning and weaving, to achieve linen's distinctive texture and strength. The labor involved in each step, coupled with the relatively low yield per acre compared to other textiles, contributes to linen's elevated price point.

Linen's lofty price tag isn't just about labor; it's also a matter of prestige. Linen has long been associated with elegance and sophistication, favored by royalty and the elite throughout history. Thus, in the world of fashion, where exclusivity reigns supreme, linen’s reputation only serves to drive its price higher. Linen is not only the currency of sophistication in the realm of fashion, but it is also (literally) woven into the fabric of our wallets. Ever pondered why your banknotes have that crisp, durable feel? Well, they're 25% linen! So, if you ever want to feel like a million bucks (without spending a million bucks), that’s where we come in. 




All the linen clothing you see at Tamarind Chutney is crafted with surplus fabric or fabric that has been rejected for minor flaws. Sadly, without a home, these fabrics would likely end up in landfills. But by repurposing these fabrics, we've hit a sweet spot: sustainable bhi, affordable bhi. It's a delightful balance that often outshines even the price tags of (gasp) fast fashion. This proves that ethical choices don't always have to break the bank!


Rejected ≠ Defective


But you may be thinking: why would I want to buy clothing made out of rejected fabric? Well, at Tamarind Chutney, we've mastered the art of turning lemons into lemonade, or in our case, rejected fabric into fabulous finds. Contrary to what you may think, “rejected” doesn’t necessarily mean defective. Sure, there may be tiny flaws like a mismatched color or a small hiccup in the weave, but with a bit of creativity, these imperfections become part of the charm. Take it from cricket maestro Sachin Tendulkar, who, despite initially being rejected as a bowler, didn't throw in the towel. Instead, he became a batsman…and the rest is history. 

So, join us in celebrating the beauty of imperfection by checking out the linen collection at our store

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